Satellite Phones

Device Rental
$15 per day
Daily Rental
A day is defined as any day Monday through Sunday in which the phone is in the customer's possession. Partial days will be billed as a full day.
No roaming fees in Home Service Area. Coverage may vary. Taxes are extra. STRATA Networks reserves the rights to make changes to pricing, coverage, and price plans at any time without notice. A $495 deposit will be charged if equipment is not returned in normal operating condition. Data services are not included in rental options.
$60 per week
Weekly Rental
A week is defined as any 7 consecutive calendar days. Any additional days beyond 7 consecutive days of usage will be billed as additional days or weeks.
No roaming fees in Home Service Area. Coverage may vary. Taxes are extra. STRATA Networks reserves the rights to make changes to pricing, coverage, and price plans at any time without notice. A $495 deposit will be charged if equipment is not returned in normal operating condition. Data services are not included in rental options.
$220 per month
Monthly Rental
Monthly rental is valid for any 30 day calendar period. Any additional days beyond 30 consecutive days of usage will be billed as additional days, weeks, or months.
No roaming fees in Home Service Area. Coverage may vary. Taxes are extra. STRATA Networks reserves the rights to make changes to pricing, coverage, and price plans at any time without notice. A $495 deposit will be charged if equipment is not returned in normal operating condition. Data services are not included in rental options.